a web development partner
that isn't limited to the web

Gerard Vaglio

Gerard spent the first ten years of his career working in ad agencies in Manhattan and San Francisco where he helped build brands such as Land Rover, Adidas, Kia, and Cisco. He did Dell’s first television spot, has appeared on CNN and once showed his seven year old niece how to increase her school magazine sales by a factor of ten!

Gerard won The Advertising Club of New York’s Andy Award of Excellence for his print and television work as well as six Obie awards from the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, multiple One Show Awards, a BAARC award for his volunteer efforts and a free dinner at the local pizza place for correctly guessing how many mints were in the fish bowl. His work has been featured in award annuals such as The One Show, Communication Arts, Archive Magazine and the Kelly’s.

Gerard has been a guest speaker at The School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, and has taught classes in copywriting and art direction.

After a decade of working on staff Gerard opened a consultancy and spent the next fifteen years helping agencies win 48 million dollars of new business during competitive pitches. He has also conducted successful client retention efforts and has eaten at some mighty fine restaurants.

Today Gerard lives in Corrales, New Mexico where he retired at 48, for three months, before they pulled him back in like Al Pacino in the Godfather.

his work

Gerard has designed many websites. Two examples are:


Acutonics uses sound as a healing technology. We designed and developed this site to educate consumers, sell products to consumers, sell products to affiliates and inform potential clients of the latest classes as well as locations of licensed practitioners. This site allows an admin to enter upcoming classes which are then automatically posted on the calendar. The site features a shopping cart as well as a blog. Newly released books and videos are published online.

More information about Acutonics

Albuquerque Craniofacial Center

Albuquerque Craniofacial Center specializes in eliminating TMJ pain and managing sleep apnea with an oral appliance. Their website is to educate consumers on the issues and provide a convenient way for patients to download required paperwork. We designed and implemented the site including original illustrations and a short flash application demonstrating sleep apnea.

More information about Albuquerque Craniofacial Center

here are two examples of Gerard's print work

“Adidas wanted to run a tribute to Kobe Bryant on a Venice Beach Wall measuring 56' 6” x 14' 4”.

I began by retouching a video still to achieve a gritty, “in the moment feel” and then needed to write a headline dramatizing Kobe's abilities.

I decided to list some options that might go through Kobe's mind when he gets the ball and the options open to the people guarding him.” - Gerard Vaglio

Defender 90 with protective hard top.

What our clients think.

Your programmer is a genius! Please thank him/her for us. Things are going very smoothly.

Dawn, Silverberg Jewelry