a web development partner
that isn't limited to the web

need a brand new website?

With staff members with Master's Degrees in Computer Science, Duke City Software is perfectly positioned to handle your website development needs. Our niche is website technology and custom programming. We have designers on staff who can custom design a website to meet your needs. The benefits of a website design that is created in every detail with an eye toward advertising cannot be overstated. Our top designer has won multiple awards for his advertising work and can create a website which will effectively communicate a client’s message to the target audience. If you prefer, we will implement a website design that your own designer has created.

If you wish to be able to make updates to the website yourself, we implement the design in WordPress, a content management system (CMS), and we will train you in using WordPress to update your site. If you want us to make all site updates, we implement your site directly into HTML, CSS and Javascript for cost effectiveness. We can implement your website such that mobile users have a different experience from computer users. The same content is displayed differently depending on how the website is being accessed. We can integrate existing open source functionality into your website (like calendars, Google maps, blogs), or we can create functionality from scratch using PHP and SQL databases. We can create special landing pages for your promotional materials with QR codes. Whatever you need, we can provide it for you. We are very willing to work with your project manager, content writer, advertising or PR firm or social media consultant.

Our goal is for you to be a happy customer. Most of our customers come to us from word of mouth referrals and remain satisfied long term customers. We'd love to talk to you about your website. Please call (505) 821-1522 or email general@dukecitysoftware.com.

examples of our websites

Insight Lighting

The Insight Lighting website is designed to showcase Insight Lighting's beautiful products. This is not a store since all products are purchased through distributors. The intent of the website is to showcase the products and allow distributors to easily locate product specifications. The site was designed by a local Albuquerque firm. We implemented the design. Several of the pages - About, Press, Contact Us and Careers - are implemented in WordPress so that Insight Lighting staff can update those pages as needed. Most of the other pages are dynamically generated from data stored in a database using custom software that Duke City Software created. Insight Lighting staff use an admin interface to update product data and the data is displayed in different ways depending on the page being accessed. The site also includes slideshows on multiple pages and a scrolling marquee on the home page.

More information about Insight Lighting

Celebrating New Mexico Statehood

In 2012 New Mexico celebrated 100 years of statehood. The Celebrating New Mexico Statehood site was designed by a local firm with content provided by the client. Duke City Software implemented the design using the Drupal Content Management System to give the content the desired look and feel.

More information about Celebrating New Mexico Statehood

Debbie's Creative Moments

Debbie's Creative Moments has been a long time customer of Duke City Software. When Debbie was ready to update her site, she asked Duke City software to redesign the home page and make only minor modifications to the interior shopping cart pages to freshen up the look. The new site looks modern and aesthetic and incorporates social media seamlessly.

More information about Debbie

Albuquerque The Magazine

Albuquerque The Magazine is staffed with excellent designers. They designed the website and we implemented it for them. They chose to update the site themselves using Contribute rather than a content management system. We administer their shopping cart and have developed custom software applications for Hot Singles nominations, Top Docs voting, Top Dentists voting and the renowned Best of the City voting. We've also installed a blog for the Favorite Places updates and incorporated a Facebook plug-in. The site uses Google Ad Manager to serve advertisements on the site.

More information about Albuquerque The Magazine

Albuquerque Craniofacial Center

Albuqueque Craniofacial Center specializes in eliminating TMJ pain and managing sleep apnea with an oral appliance. Their website is to educate consumers on the issues and provide a convenient way for patients to download required paperwork. We designed and implemented the site including original illustrations and a short flash application demonstrating sleep apnea.

More information about Albuquerque Craniofacial Center

Summer Food New Mexico

The Summer Food New Mexico site was designed by Leah Sandman Design. We developed custom software that stores and displays free food sites for hungry New Mexico children. The sites are integrated with Google maps and are updated several times each summer.

More information about Summer Food New Mexico


Acutonics uses sound as a healing technology. We designed and developed this site to educate consumers, sell products to consumers, sell products to affiliates and inform potential clients of the latest classes as well as locations of licensed practitioners. This site allows an admin to enter upcoming classes which are then automatically posted on the calendar. The site features a shopping cart as well as a blog. Newly released books and videos are published online.

More information about Acutonics

Devachan Press

This site was originally designed and implemented by another website company. The owners had cancelled their website hosting and this site had disappeared for several months. When the owners decided to resurrect the site, they called us. We found all of the pages in the internet archives, recreated the website and made edits as requested, effectively bringing the site back to life.

More information about Devachan Press

New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance

The New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance (NMHIA) website was designed by Griffin and Associates to be an effective call-to-action for individuals and families needing insurance and for agents wanting additional products to market. Duke City Software implemented the design including videos, an animated gif, a series of eligibility questions and a customized online health insurance quoting application. Semi-annual rate adjustments that used to take weeks to implement are now implemented in a matter of hours.

More information about New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance


Duke City Software created an intranet application for the Relios Corporation to help streamline a number of internal processes. This includes making a material intake form into a paperless operation. This has reduced the amount of paper and time needed to complete the intake process. There is also the capability to track particular shipments of materials through the whole process and communicate with vendors regarding any changes needed and the status of their shipments. In the case of needing hard copies of the online forms, the system is able to convert the online form to a PDF that can be emailed or printed out depending on the need. In addition to this, there is also an application which incorporates the color quality system for the various gems used in the jewelry. This system has removed the need for quality control employees to each have a several hundred page color control manual for all of the different gems. Rather, the manual is hosted completely online so employees are constantly up to date and can make any changes needed to the system completely in real time. Finally, Duke City Software has created custom programs that Relios uses to interface with their different sales systems and combine them into a unified system and creates reports and other outputs from these diverse inputs.

More information about Relios


We created a website for the Sequa Corporation's Environmental, Health and Safety Division. They needed a solution that allowed them to collect data from all around the world as well as display and manipulate that data to provide executives and location managers with data summaries and reports for effective decision-making and issue tracking. We provided them with a number of solutions for their various needs, including a dashboard system, active alerts, document library, blog, pdf reports, Excel reports and a monthly summary email sent to the division directors that incorporates a mix of notifications, statistics and changes during the previous month.

More information about Sequa

Design Redefined

The Design Redefined website was implemented in WordPress by another developer. Scotti Romberg, the owner of the website, asked us to reorganize and redesign the homepage, in addition to updating the look of the interior pages. The new website is more visual, and the information on the homepage is now streamlined with Scotti's contact information and photos of her work near the top of the page where they will attract maximum attention.

More information about Design Redefined

If you are in the market for a new website, we can develop it for you. Custom websites start at $2500 for a unique custom design, a home page implemented in WordPress and one additional page implemented in WordPress. From there, you can create the rest of the pages you need or we will create your entire website for you for an additional charge. Our rates are $125/hour for development and $100/hour for website updates.

What our clients think.

Hello Karen, I wanted to thank you for bringing James in on our project, he has been fantastic.

Dana, Day's Jewelers