This is the home/login page for the Sequa Environmental, Health and Safety Division website.
We believe in and strive for a seamless integration of aesthetic qualities and powerful functionality for our clients.
In Sequa, we have created a website that fits in with their pre-existing logos and color schemes and leaves the user with an impression of a smooth and sophisticated website.
In addition to this, we have both created and used very powerful technologies to give them more functionality than they have ever had:
•Reports including executive summaries for all levels of the company.
•PDF reports using dynamic content created on demand.
•Monthly emails giving high level status, changes, and statistics for directors.
•A dashboard system that queries data from more than 150 worldwide Sequa locations to provide a comprehensive overview or detailed view of the current status of the company that is updated every 24 hours.
•Centralized reporting for all locations.
•Company-wide safety alert broadcasting system.
•Company and Industry Notifications shown to every user on their dashboard.
•Intuitive user management.
•Document Library including an in-depth training section.
•A company directory and contact management solution.